
19 weeks

Well after much anticipation and weeks of listening to me complain about having to wait to find out who was in there, we are THRILLED to annoounce that our DAUGHTER Zoey Makai Cruz is healthy and still due August 26th. When the technician told us she was a girl, being convinced the little one was a boy, Jay asked "How sure are you?" to which she replied "about 98%." After some quite time leaving the doctors office in awe of learning we were expecting a girl in the parking lot I lost it screaming "WE'RE HAVING A GIRL!!!!" My dreams of finally having a solid pink room are here!! Let the decorating and shopping begin!!

To celebrate my birthday, and the big news, we went to dinner with my parents where we told them by giving them a neutrally wrapped gift that had a pink I LOVE GRANDPA bid and pink teddybear sleeper for sleepovers at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Dad was SO excited to have a little girl running around the house again and my Mom finally has a full time shopping buddy. Jay is convinced her first words may be Valleyfair or Coach...not far from the relm of possibility knowing my Momma. After all, she taught me to do percentages by figuring out sales in the mall, still one of my only mathmatical strengths.

Enjoy the picture of our beautiful DAUGHTER!!!


17 weeks

So this week was the kick-off to March Madness...a holiday season in our house. My parents got Jay tickets to the first and second rounds for Christmas. Thursday we watched 4 back to back games downtown. We had amazing center court seats to begin with but managed to work our way down to the lower level by game 2 and were almost court level for the rest!! Felt bad we weren't able to drink ourselves stupid during the games because I'm pregnant (a typical tradition for any live sports game we attend) but since it was college sports they didn't sell booze anyway. We have the Sweet 16 tomorrow..WOOT WOOT!

For next week, Jay got me tickets to Jay-Z for my birthday (such an amazing hubby) and I CAN'T WAIT!! I have already warned him that ALL composure will be lost when he gets on stage. Can't wait to see the legend in person and can hardly believe we're going to get the change to do it. I hope to have some pics for the next entry so cross your fingers!!

Onto baby news, we FINALLY are coming up to our March 31st appointment to find out boy or girl!! We technically can find out any time after the 24th but made the appointment on the 31st since it's my bday.....we'll see if I have the strength not to change it to an earlier date. Here's a new pic of the growing belly!


Week 16

Had our monthly check up last week and as usual all is well. Baby's heartbeat is pounding away in there!! So the countdown is on and KILLING me!! Less than 3 weeks til we find out the sex. I'm still thinking the little one is a boy but I would be THRILLED either say.

Well this morning was our official trip to Babies R' Us for some baby prep shopping/registering for the over-whelming amount of stuff that this little one will need. We spent about 2 hours test-driving strollers, testing weight and collapsibility ease...and if you know us together well (taking little to nothing seriously) we spent a majority of the time laughing at our incompetencies. During our 3 hour trip we managed to only find 2 things: stroller and crib. I guess those are big necessary items so no wasted!

My stay tuned for the monthly belly pic next week as my belly finally popped about a week ago so enjoy the pic! Make sure to tune back in March 31st when we share if the little one is a boy or girl!