Just wanted to post the 21 week (22 weeks honestly) belly pic. Just getting the last of my things ready to head to AZ for the weekend. SUPER excited to see my girl but am having a hard time dealing with the idea of not seeing Jay until Sunday night....I miss him already. Stay tuned for pics from the weekend!!
21 weeks
Time is REALLY starting to fly now! We're over 1/2
way there and she is kicking like a soccer star...or a Rockett, whichever she prefers. The belly has gone from the "well, maybe she just had a couple too many beers" stage to the "there is definitely a baby in there." I no longer get that really nervous face from people when they ask me if I'm pregnant. It's a real bummer too because I had so much fun mortifying people by responding "WHAT?! I'm not pregnant!" hehe, poor people, the faces were priceless though :) My apologies to any of those reading that I did this to.
The last minute travel has begun to make
the final round to visit family before Zoey arrives. Come the end of May my flying will be a thing of the past for the
rest of the summer. We got to go up to Vancouver to visit Ting and the kiddos last weekend and it was AMAZING!! We may have gotten the first 3 sunny days in a row in quite some time. The kids are beautiful, happy and very well adjusted...GREAT JOB TING!! Getting to spend some much needed time gabbing and laughing with my sister is priceless. I'm thrilled for her that she's back home in Canada but I miss her very much. Although we got some beautiful sunny days the nights felt like I was getting pelted in the face with snowballs.
It wasn't just me either. The Cruzs are Cali folks. Jay wore his thermals the entire weekend (and almost to the club even, hehe). Enjoy the picture to the right of our reenactment of Winnie the Pooh stuck in the honey tree.
So for those close to me you know that my Mom and I make an annual pilgrimage down to Burbank to see the Ellen Show. I've been looking everywhere and everyday for a place to enter to win tickets to the Mother's Day giveaway for first time mommies.......GUESS WHO GOT IN!!! Mom and I leave on May 5th for the May 6th taping. We've got this trip down to a science now, same hotel, same flight, same great Ellen Show luck!! Last year while we were on the lot we acutally got to meet Zachary Levi (the guy that plays Chuck on the show Chuck....meow!) The show will air on Friday May 7th on NBC at 4pm if you want to check it out. I'll be sure to fill you all in on the free swag though!! All much needed and appreciated when your prepping for your first and starting from scratch!
This past weekend was another crazy one split between trying to purge what will soon be Zoey's room, getting to see Kelly for the first time since New Year's for Caleb's Baptism and celebrating Dawn's 30th yeah! Lots and lots of fun but whew!! I'm spent!! Time to rest up for trip #2 this weekend.....off to AZ to hang with Kelly and Caleb and visit with the rest of the clan and munchkins. REALLY looking forward to some REAL heat....BRING IT!!! 

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